Good grief this weekend was busy. Busiest we’ve been since this whole pandemic craziness started.

I bought this bunny years ago at goodwill because I felt sad for him. He’s missing an arm and his hat is messed up. I was gonna fix him this year but didn’t. I’ve left him out to fix one night this week so he’ll be ready for next year.
Saturday we got up early to take my car to the tire place. I just got 4 new tires a couple of weeks ago for our trip and Friday Chase ran over a nail. They patched it for free, so that was nice.
Then we had to go to 3 different krogers to find enough boursin for our potato dish we were taking to Easter lunch Sunday.
We had Easter lunch with one side of the family Saturday so we headed off to that.

Half the family spent about 2 hours assembling this new box for the pool.
Also have I mentioned that my entire family is vaccinated? So relieved. Even Mema and Daddy Bob came down for lunch.

It was a longer than usual family get-together because I think everybody just wanted to talk and catch up more than usual. It was fun.

And Cat, Rach and Fam brought us a belated Christmas present (haven’t seen them since before Christmas!) – look how cute these are!! Plus an Epcot ornament and a disney gift card!
Afterwards, Chase wanted to go to THE MALL for some new shoes. He had some bday money and wanted to get new shoes for disney. So we went to the mall. And holy cow was it PACKED. It was worse than Christmas. My guess is that all these teenagers have nowhere else to go so they go to the mall to show-off and see friends. Because it was mostly teens/young adults. Even when this mall was new when malls were still a “thing” it wasn’t this busy. We had to stand in lines to go in stores. Absolutely nuts.
He found a couple of things he liked but they didn’t have his size. And the Sephora in the mall didn’t have the setting spray I wanted (but luckily I found it in Macy’s on the way out.) So we headed to a different part of town to pick up some pasta sauce from a specialty store for dinner that night… and then he decided we ought to head out to another mall in another part of town to see if they had the shoes he liked. So we went all the way down there and no shoes.
But we did get cookies.

From a distance I thought this cake said “tit”
So then Chase wanted to go to ANOTHER mall. In another part of town. So we drove over there and that mall was also packed to the gills. No luck there either and at that point I was totally spent and we decided to NOT cook dinner that night and instead just picked up food on the way home. I had wanted to make some masks that night but I was so exhausted I didn’t get anything done.
Sunday was more of the same! We had to go pick up my great-uncle for sunday lunch, so we needed to clean the car out that morning and also make our potatoes for the lunch. Chase cut his finger real bad before we even started so that put us behind while we found gauze and bandaids and a glove for him to wear so we could start the potatoes! Then the potato sauce spilled in the car after we cleaned it. Geez.
So we took Kevin’s dad’s car down to pick up Uncle Buddy.

He’s 100 years old yall. And now that he’s vaxed he’s talking about getting back out on the golf course.
Of course Kevin and I had to play with silly filters.

Lunch was yummy. Then we sat around and talked for a long time after. Just as long as the day before.

Chase and Dad (and Jean!) matched.
And then Chase wanted to go BACK to the mall to look at shoes again. So we drove over there and… mall was closed for Easter LOL.
Headed home, cooked dinner, and did finally get around to mask-making. Thanks to @generalleah for sharing a mask pattern she’s used – it fit Chase really well and he really liked it. Made 2 for the trip for him yesterday, a Stitch one and a generic Star Wars one. After I finish his I’m going to try to size it down to fit me. I tried one of his on and it covered my eyes LOL
Speaking of, Chase commissioned @generalleah for this Stitch shirt for our trip!

So cute and she sent the extra fabric over for masks!

We have a few neighborhood cats who wander around – there’s a black one we call Midnight and he was sitting out in our backyard and Luna was going nuts, jumping up against window. Midnight just started at her LOL (he’s kinda behind the light glare in the photo above. Also that window is not dirty, it’s a 2 layer window that had developed fogginess from condensation in between the layers.)
Sewing for the last week… was mostly masks and redoing things that were already done.
1. Masks – like I said, my focus for the next week or so will be making extra masks for our trip. No pics to show here, yet.
2. Redoing Padme shirt – I tried to change the straps to backless. It did not go well. I ended up having to remove the old straps, make new ones just like the original ones, and put them back on. So it’s back to its original state – just the head opening is a little tighter than the original version. Why’d I try to do that? So dumb. Also I got my new shorts – they’re a brighter pink than I would like but they look much better than the first ones.
3. Leia belt conchos – I got them all placed on the jacket, then went back and redid the closure on the jacket so it would hopefully let the center front concho sit a little flatter. Looks slightly better. Still not 100% happy with it but oh well.
4. Chip and Dale Ears – finally got fur for them, Chase was attached them last night.
So yeah here’s my to-do list:
1. Fix acorn that fell off Dale belt
2. Ears for Chip and Dale
3. Check all of Chase’s stuff, make sure everything works
4. Bloodstripe embroidery on his Han socks
5. More masks
6. Check and make sure my new strapless bra works with Bespin Leia
7. Start packing
I’m sooo excited. Yahh let’s go!!
No tiktok update this week – it all super bad, and I’m too excited and happy to delve into that negativity.